lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020


Hello everybody,

How are you?

In today's lesson we're going to deal with  REPORTING COMMANDS, REQUESTS, ADVICE.  

Follow these steps:

1) Find HERE a worksheet with commands, requests and advice to change into REPORTED SPEECH. 

If you remember how to do it, please skip the video and do the activity on the worksheet straightaway. Listen to the video only if you need an explanation on how to change commands, requests and advice into Reported Speech.

2) Let's try this activity now to have some practice:

Complete the sentences with the appropriate reporting verb in the list.
 Then rewrite the sentences in REPORTED SPEECH.
       advise    ask    order    promise   remind    warn
1-‘I won’t tell anyone your secret’, she ....................
2- ‘Don’t forget to check your email,’ he ..................... her.
3- ‘Please can you help me to write a letter tomorrow?’ she ..................... her cousin.
4- ‘You should eat more fruit’, the doctor................. me
5- ‘Be careful!’ his mum ................. him.
6- ‘Tidy your room!’ her father ................ her.

Click HERE to check your answers.

3) Open your book at page 95 and do activity 7. Please, do it in your notebook.
     After you have finished, click HERE to check the answers.

Click HERE to find some more activities on reported speech. Do them before Friday's lesson. We will check them in class.

Find HERE a very useful list of REPORTING VERBS.   

That's all for now. I'll be back to you on Friday.

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