jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020


Good morning my dearest students,

I hope you're all fine and ready for Friday's lesson!

Let's follow these steps:

1- CHECK HOMEWORK. Click HERE to find the answers to the activities on reported speech.

2- We are going to devote some part of our lessons until May, 22nd - when I will have to give you your results - to revision through activities. 
 Click HERE to find some activities on a worksheet. You can download it and do the activities on the worksheet, or you can write the answers in your notebook. You can check your notes or your book  if you need so. Keep track of your time: you shouldn't spend more than 40 minutes on this.

Once you have finished, find the answers HERE. Check and mark your activities. 
Click HERE only  if you need some explantions.

Send a photo of your checked/marked answers to my email as soon as you finish this activity.

3- Now we're going to have a look / revise SOME SPECIAL STRUCTURES on page 108 of your book: 
You can read the grammar chart on page 108.  You can click on the "grammar tutor" at the top of the page on your digital book and listen to some good explanation.
If you think you don't need extra explanations, just do the activities on page 108 of your book straightaway. 

If you need extra help, you can watch these videos.
1- used to / be used to / get use to: Click HERE

2- so / such: Click HERE

3- either....or / neither... nor : Click HERE

4- had better / should: Click HERE

Now, you are more than ready to do the activites on page 108 of your book. 

Once you have finished, click HERE to get the answers. Be honest!. 

That's all for today. I'll get back to you on Monday, 18th.

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