domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020


Good morning everyone!

I hope you  had some time to rest at the weekend and are ready to work now. Let's get down to work. 

Let's follow these steps: 

1) We are going to start with some REVISION: page 109 book.

A) Open your book at page 109. Do activities 6 and 7. You can  do them in your "digital book", but if you didn't take the trouble to  register, write the answers in your notebook. 

Once you've done the activities. Click HERE to check your answers.

B) Do activity 8 on this page. Again, do it on your digital book, or write the answers in your notebook. 
  After you have finished, please click HERE to listen to the text and check your answers.
        (How many correct answers did you get out of 8?)

C) Do activities 9 and 10. Do activity 9 in your notebook: write the whole sentences, not just the answers.
   As for activity 10: do it on your digital book, or in your notebook. 
                  Click HERE to find the answers and check you activity.

As soon as you finish these activities: Please, send a photo of your activity 9 to my email. Tell me how many points you got in each activity and how many points out of 45 you got  in the end? Also, please let me know if you need me to explain the answer to any of these activities.

2) We are going to learn/revise some vocabulary connected to SPORT: Go to page 90 of your book. 

A) Do activity 1 on page 90. Do it in you notebook: write two columns with the words in bold and with the words in colour that have a similar meaning.  Follow the example.

                                         SPORT   (Page 90)
1- rival

B) Do activity 2: Write the true sentences in your notebook (this way you will have a good definition of the words) and correct the false ones, without changing the words in colour (this way, you will also have a good definition of these words)

C) In activity 3, you are going to practise with these words/expressions IN CONTEXT.  Write the answers in your notebook. 

Once you have finished these activities, click  HERE to find the answers and check them. Try to be responsible. 

3) OPTIONAL. Just depending on how long it took you to do activities in 1 and 2, you might have time to do a LISTENING exercise on page 91 of your book.  
     Click HERE to find the audio for activity 5 
     Click HERE to find the audio for activity 6

That's all for now! I'll be back to you tomorrow. 

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