lunes, 27 de abril de 2020


Good morning everyone, 

I hope you're all doing well and are already used to learning/working from home

Let's start with today's lesson. Follow these steps: 

1) First of all, we're going to check homework: CONNECTORS OF PURPOSE (Pages 84-85 book)

Before we start, here is a summary of what we know so far:

1)  to + infinitive
He rushed into the burning house to save the child
 (= Entró corriendo a la casa en llamas para salvar al niño)
* to/so as to / in order to are also possible
2)  in order to/ so as to + infinitive  (with negative sentences / or with TO BE/ TO HAVE)
They studied hard so as not to / in order not to fail the exam.
(Estudiaron mucho para no suspender)
I’m saving up so as to / in order to have some extra money on summer holiday.
(Estoy ahorrando para tener dinero extra en verano)
3) so that  (clauses of purpose) + a sentence
I took off my shoes so that the baby wouldn’t wake up.
(me quite los zapatos para que el bebé no se despertara)
Please shut the window so that the rain won’t get in.
(Cierra la ventana para que no entre la lluvia)
4) FOR+noun  / FOR+gerund –general purpose of an object
Let’s meet for a drink 
A pencil sharpener is a tool for sharpening pencils.
(but.. I need a pencil sharpener to sharpen my pencil with)

Now we're going to check activities 3- 4  on page 85 of your book.
- Click HERE to get the answers to activity  3
- Click HERE to find the answers to activity 4

2) Now, we are going to learn/remember how to write AN INFORMATIVE ESSAY. 

  A) Let's start with a model. Read the informative essay about Ben & Jerry's on page 84 of your book and do activities 1 and 2 on this page.
                  Click HERE to check 

  B) Go through this simple presentation.

  C) Choose ONE of the following and write an INFORMATIVE ESSAY (120-150 words)
       1- TASK on page 85 of your book (about a famous company)
       2- Write an informative essay about a charitable organisation (an NGO, for example) 

IMPORTANT: Do some research, select the information you want to include -don't just copy information, write a draft, improve it, write a clean version and send it.

Send it to my email in a word format if possible. DEADLINE: THURSDAY, 30th afternoon.  

    1) Passive Voice. Worksheet for those who need extra practise: Click HERE
       When you finish the activities. Click  HERE to check you answers    
    2) You can have some more online activities on the Passive Voice on these links.
           a)  Variety of verb tenses:   Activity 1.   Activity 2  
           b) QUESTIONS in th Passive Voice: Acitivity 1   Activity 2  Activity 3
           c)  Passives with TWO OBJECTS:  Activity 1  Activity 2

           d) Causative HAVE: Activity 1  Activity 2  Activity 3

That's all for now. I'll get back to you on Monday, 4th. 


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