domingo, 26 de abril de 2020


Good morning everyone!

I hope you're fresh and rested after the weekend and ready for a new week, which is a bit shorter, in fact, as Friday, 1st of May is a bank holiday!! 

Let's get down to work! Follow these steps: 

1) Let's check homework
      A) Click HERE to find the answers and script of the LISTENING ACTIVITY on page 82 of your book. 

      B) Click HERE to get the answers to the READING COMPREHENSION activity on your worksheet. 

2) We're going to do a MOCK EXAM on the passive voice. Allow yourself, if you need so, some revision before starting the exam. The intention of this activity is for you to ckeck if you have understood this grammar point. You can decide to use your notes while you're doing it or take it as a real exam. 
Keep track of your time. Click HERE to get the exam. 

Once you have finished, find the answers HERE. Get a red pen, check and mark your exam.

After checking and marking your exam:

Send me an email answering these questions. Be honest; otherwise, just please don’t bother to answer:
1-How long did you take to do the exam?
2-Did you check your notes while doing it? Did you do some previous revision?
3- Are you extremely satisfied, very satisfied, satisfied, not very satisfied or not satisfied at all with your result?
4-Do you think you need some more practice in this grammar point / more explanations?
5- If so, what do you find more difficult of it?

3) We are going to do a DICTATION. Do it in your notebook. Listen and write FIVE SENTENCES.
     You can listen to the audio twice.
     Click HERE to get the audio.
                                          Get the Key answer by clicking HERE

4) We are going to start with a new minor GRAMMAR POINT:  CONNECTORS of PURPOSE  (Page 84 book) 
       a) Watch this video to get some explanation. Take notes in your notebook. Pause the video and do the activities below.

Complete with the correct word expressing PURPOSE:
  to / in order (not) to / so as (not) to /  so that / for
1. We left at 6.00________ we could get to the airport by 6.45.
2. I went to Walmart________buy a clothes basket.
3. _______ get a refund, you need to have a receipt.
4. Please go to the Customer Service _______a refund.
5. Mr Ellis sometimes takes the bus ________he can save money on petrol.
6. I’m getting tired. Let’s stop_______  a coffee.
7. We can stop _______ eat at the next restaurant we see.
9. Some people go to the coast to fish while others go just _________fun and relaxation.
10. I’ll give you my number_______you can phone me.
Check the ANSWERS  on the video. 
  b) Do activities 3 and 4 on page 85 of your book. 

That's all for today. I'll get back to you tomorrow. 

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