domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020


Good morning my dearest students!!

How are you geeting on? I hope you've already enjoyed your first outings and  I hope this fresh air and physical activity outside will give us "energy" to keep going. Come on!

Ready to start? Follow these steps: 

1) First of all, we're going to have a look at the last GRAMMAR ASPECT in  UNIT 6: GERUNDS and INFINITIVES:

     A) Watch this video with SOME EXPLANATIONS on the topic.

 B) Click HERE to find the NOTES.

C) Now, let's have some practice:

     1- Do activity 5 on page 58 of your book. Do it in your notebook.
          Click HERE to check. Try to be honest, your progress depends very much on you now.

     2- Click HERE to get an interesting worksheet with clear explanations + activities.
         Click HERE to get some good activities + answer key

Do all the activities and try to collect your own NOTES on when to use GERUNDS or INFINITIVES. 

2)  After checking most of your “Informative Essays” I see that some of you need  practice with PURPOSE SENTENCES.  Let’s do an activity.

Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using: to/ in order to / so as to/ where necessary.  For example,
1-My younger brother is saving all his pocket money. He is planning on upgrading his phone.
My younger brother is saving all his pocket money to (so as to / in order to) upgrade his phone.

2-Jessic has stopped using her credit cards. She doesn’t want to go over her budget.
Jessica has stopped using her credit cards in order not to (so as not to) go over her budget.

3-They talked in whispers. They didn’t want me to hear them.
They talked in whispers so that I couldn’t/wouldn’t hear them.

4-I’ m insuring my life. I want my children. I want my children to have something to live on when I die.
I’m insuring my life so that my children can/will have something to live on when I die.

IT IS YOUR TURN NOW:  Write it in your notebook.
1-I’m buying some paint. I want to paint my hall door.
2- He wore a false beard. He didn’t want anyone to recognize him.
3- Aeroplanes carry parachutes. They crew can escape in case of fire.
4- It’s a good idea to prepare a shopping list. You don’t forget to buy something.
5- He coughed. He wanted to warn them that he was coming.

I think this is all for today. Tomorrow we will do activites to revise UNIT 6. We will have an exam on this unit on Friday, the 8th.


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