lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020


Good morning my dearest students,

First of all, thank you for your emails with you personal answers/opinions about The Gift of the Magi!

Let's keep on going!. This is our lesson today. Follow these instructions:

1) Check your homework. Click HERE to find the answer to the activities on page 64.

2) We are going to deal with CONDITIONAL SENTENCES today. I have found two helpful, simple videos in youtube about conditionals.

Watch them if you think you need some help with conditionals. You  might also take notes in your notebook.
If you think you have no problems with conditionals, you can just skip this part and do the activities right away. It depends on you!


 B) VIDEO 2: Here is another useful video on CONDITIONALS

C) NOTES on CONDITIONALS. If you still need help, click HERE to find some notes on CONDITIONALS

Now you must be ready to do some ACTIVITIES:

- Do activities 1 (just write the answers)  and activity  2 on page 66 of your book.
- Do activity 7 on page 67

GRAMMAR IN SPEAKING: This is the last activity on page 67 of your book. Send an email to me with the answers.

Do this ACTIVITY online and send it my mail.

SOME EXTRA HELP.  IF YOU NEED HELP with conditionals, try these online activities:
- Type 0
- Type 1
- Type 2
- Type 3
- 1,2,3 conditionals / 1,2, 3 conditionals

Don't worry, you've got plenty of time:
Send the activities I asked you to email before Friday, when we will have our next lesson!

Take care!

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