domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020

MONDAY, 16th March (LESSON)


How are you? I hope you're fine and ready to do some work at home. Let's start:

Here is what we are going to do today:

1) Check your homework from Friday:
    Key to activities 2, 3 and 4 and listening on Side 2 of the worksheet
    Key to activity 2 on page 62 of your book.
    Key to  CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TEST (photocopy I handed out on Friday)

2) Now we are going to do a READING COMPREHENSION activity:
We are going to read and listen to a beautiful short story by O. Henry, an American short story writer.  Open your book at pages 64- 65. Do the activities in your notebook.

    a- Before you start reading the story do some "Critical thinking" on page 64 of your book.
        What can you infer (=deducir) about the woman in the story? Read the extracts in the yellow
         box on page 64
 Some help with expressions: On went her old brown jacket (= She quickly put on her old brown jacket ); on went her old brown hat (= She quickly put on her old brown hat)

    b- Read (page 65 of the book) and listen to PART I of the story. Use a dictionary (wordreference) if you need to find the meaning of expressions or words.

    c- Do activities 1 and 2 on page 64 of your book. Do them in your notebook.

    d- Now listen to  PART 2 of the story (activity 3 on page 64 of your book)
    e- Do activity 3 on page 64. Copy and answer the questions in your notebook.
        (Click HERE to read the script of PART 2 just in case you had problems with the listening)

    f- Now do activities 4 and 5 on page 64 on VOCABULARY. Do the activities in your notebook.

1- I have found the story of  The Gift of the Magi  in youtube. Watch the story and then do the activities below:

2- Send me an e-mail answering these questions:
    1- Did you enjoy the story? why? why not?
    2- How long did it take you to do all the activities?

Have a good afternoon and I'll get back to you tomorrow. Take care!!!

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