viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

Friday, 13th March (HOMEWORK FOR MONDAY, 16th March)

My dearest students,

1) For those who didn't come to school today, find HERE the worksheets with vocabulary on Friendship and Love that we went through in class. We did all the activities on page one and you should do the activities on page 2 for homework.

These are the audios for the listening activity.
First part    Second part

2) Do activity 2 on page 62 of your workbook

1- To get on with
    To get along
To have a good relationship
Llevarse bien
2- To fall out with
To argue / To have an argument
To have a row / To stop being friends
3- To make up with
To reconcile / to end an argument
4- To gossip
To talk maliciously about people
Cotillear/ chismosear
5- To pick on
To treat unfairly, to bully, to harass
Acosar, meterse con
6- To stand up for
To defend
7- Acquaintances
People you know a little
8- Relatives
Members of your family
9- To date
To go out with
Salir con
10- To stand someone up
To fail to meet for a date
Dejar plantado
11- To ask someone out
To invite on a date
Pedir a alguien salir
12- To chat someone up
To flirt
13- To cheat on someone
To be sexually unfaithful
Poner los cuernos
14- To have a row
To argue
15- To break up
To split up / to stop a relationship
Cortar con alguien / romper
16- To get back together
To reconcile as a couple again
Volver a ser pareja
17-To fall for
To fall in love with

You might also like to watch this episode by Amigos Ingleses about LOVE.

2) To introduce CONDITIONAL SENTENCES, don't forget to try this TEST I handed out in class.

Have a nice weekend!! I'll get back to you on Monday

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