jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

FRIDAY, 20th March

Hi again!

How are you? I know from your class teacher that you are  a bit overwhelmed with work at the moment. Sorry about that!. I wouldn't like to add more stress, really. However, we need to keep on going and do some work.

Take your time.

This is our lesson today (I hope it won't take you more than an hour! Let me know otherwise)

 Let's follow these steps. You can skip some explanations if you think you don't need them. It is up to you. Work at your own pace!!

 1) CHECK HOMEWORK. Be responsible and check your own work.
    A - Click HERE to get the answers to activity 1 on page 66 of your book.
 In this activity you had to use the ZERO (if+ present simple / present simple) , FIRST (if+ present simple / will-future) , SECOND CONDITIONAL (if+ past simple / would-inf.) or  a TIME CLAUSE.

Some of you told me in their emails that they had problems with TIME CLAUSES. Here is a simple video to remind you about them. Just for those who need information about time clauses.

Find some activites on FUTURE TIME CLAUSES. (Only if you need extra help!)
Activity 1    Activit 2   Activity 3

 B- Click HERE to get the answer to activity 2 on page 66 of your book.

 C- To check activity 7 on page 67 of the book,  you can either just click HERE just for the answers or click HERE if you need help and an explanation.

2) Now we are going to have a look at VERBS and PREPOSITIONS. Pay attention:

Certain VERBS  are usually followed by specific PREPOSITIONS. For example:

listen to / participate in  / laugh at / rely on / look at / happen to / search for / wait for

Sometimes, the meaning of the verbs changes depending on the preposition. HAVE A LOOK:

hear of (=to know about someone or something) (¿has oido hablar de? ¿sabes qué es/ quién es?
 - 'Who is Tom Madely?'  'I have no idea. I've never heard of him  
 -  Have you ever heard of speed dating? (to know about someone or something)

hear about (= to be told about something) (te has enterado)
   - Did you hear about the fight in the club on Saturday night?
   - Have you heard about Jane? She's getting married.

hear from (receive an email, a phone call) ( saber de alguien)
  -‘Have you heard from Ann recently?’  - Yes, she wrote to me last week
 A- Let's see how much you already know about it. Do activities 1-2-3 on page 68 of your book.
      (Click HERE to find the answers)
 Now you should make your own list of VERB+ PREPOSITION in your notebook.
Notice this:
THINK ABOUT (=consider, concentrate the mind on)
-‘You are quiet this morning. What are you thinking about?’
- I’ve thought about what you said and I’ve decided to take your advice’
- ‘Will you lend me the money?’ I’ll think about it’

THINK OF (= remember, bring to mind, have an idea, have an opinion)
-That is a good idea. Why didn’t I think of that?’ (tener una idea)
-What did you think of the film?’ (qué opinas)
-He told me his name, but I can’t think of it now. (no me puedo acordar)

*The difference between think of and think about is sometimes very small. Often you can use OF or ABOUT:
- My sister is thinking of(or about) going to Canada.
-When I am alone, I often thing of (or about) you.
REMIND OF / REMIND ABOUT / REMIND someone TO do something
- You remind me of your mother. (me recuerdas a tu madre)
- This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child. (me recuerda a...)
- I’m glad you reminded me about the party. ( recordarle algo a alguien)
- The teacher reminded us to switch off the lights before we left. (recordarle a alguien hacer algo)

B) Do THESE ACTIVITIES (click HERE)  to practise with VERBS+ PREPOSITIONS. You can either print the worksheet or do it in your notebook. I'll give you the answers on Monday.

 Find HERE an activity to practise with vocabulary on RELATIONSHIPS. Do it online and send it to me.

I'll get back to you on Monday
Take care 

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