jueves, 2 de abril de 2020



In this entry, I just want to wish you HAPPY EASTER HOLIDAYS. I hope you'll have time to rest, relax, enjoy the company of your familiy, read and recharge your batteries.

I also want to thank you for your work, for sending your homework, for meeting your deadlines, for your positive comments. A BIG THANK YOU!

I hope you enjoy the many activities the different departments in our school have prepared for you today.

I'll get back to you on Monday, 13th April

With much love and many thanks,
Your teacher of English

P. S.
1- I'm leaving here one of my favourite songs on this SOLIDARITY day.  I hope you like it.

2- For those of you who read and enjoyed Lamb to the Slaughter. HERE is another story from Tales of the Unexpected, by Roald Dahl: Taste

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