domingo, 14 de junio de 2020


Hi there!

Summer holidays are just around the corner.... and with them plenty of time to relax and enjoy!..but
you might as well like to keep your English alive by doing a couple of activities from time to time.

Find here some LINKS to interesting pages to keep your English up-to-date:

1- (Where you can find a variety of activities)

2-  (A great news website)

3- (Good site for listening activities)

4- (Exam practice:  from A2 to C2 levels)

5-   (Different level tests)

You might also enjoy reading a real novel (a non-graded one, for a change!). Find HERE an interesting one. The title is An Education by Nick Hornby. It was the book suggested  for the C2 level Cambridge exam a few years ago.  I hope you will enjoy it.

That’s all for now.  I wish you an enjoyable summer holiday!!!

jueves, 11 de junio de 2020


Good morning everyone!

This is our last REVISION LESSON, 

1) First of all, let's check today's homework: Click HERE to find the answers to  the vocabulary activities you had to do in your webbook: unit 4.  

2) I have been checking your work on the webbook and have sent you some feedback, which you can read in your webbook.
These are links to the answers to the activities most of you found more challenging. I hope it will help you revise for your exam:

Vocabulary UNIT 1: LINK.
Grammar UNIT 1: LINK

You didn't find the activities in UNIT 2 difficult and those of you who tried did them quite well. 

3) We're going to revise CONNECTORS today:
In unit 2, we studied connectors of  Addition and Contrast. (Pages 28-29 book)
In unit 4, we learnt some connectors of Cause and Result. (Pages 56- 57 book)

Revise the charts and activities on those pages and them click HERE to do some activities on connectors. 

Check your own work when you finish: Find the answers HERE

That's all from me!!  

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you need any help (any further explanation, activities, answer key..etc)

I wish you the best of luck in your exam!!!

Estimados/as  alumnos/as,
Esta es la última clase de repaso. Ahora ya es tiempo estudio individual. Dedicamos la semana próxima a exámenes de recuperación de los contenidos de 1ª y 2ª evaluación.

Recordad que el examen de recuperación de inglés de 1ª y 2ª evaluación es el jueves, 18 de junio*. El examen empezará a las  8.30 de la mañana – a esa hora estará en el blog- y tendrás hasta las 10.15 de la mañana para entregar.

Recuerda que en este ENLACE tienes información acerca de los contenidos del examen y las características del mismo.

Recuerda que tanto en el blog como en tu cuaderno (+fotocopias) y tus libros (y webbook) tienes actividades para repasar.

Estaré a tu disposición si necesitas alguna ayuda. ¡No dudes en ponerte en contacto!

Te deseo mucha suerte
(*Recuerda que para aprobar la 1ª y 2ª evaluación debes no sólo superar el examen, sino también haber ido entregando las actividades durante el período de recuperación)

lunes, 8 de junio de 2020


Good morning everybody,

Welcome to a new lesson today.  Follow these steps:

1) First of all, check your homework on MODAL VERBS. Find the worksheet on modal verbs that you did yesterday. Watch the video below and check your work. Give yourself points.

I hope the video helped you revise MODAL VERBS.

Send a photo/screeshot of your activities (checked and marked)  and results to my email.

2) Revise vocabulary in UNIT 4:
    A) Vocabulary about CITIES ( blue words/expressions on page 48 book)
    B) Words from the text and phrasal verbs on page 50.
    C) Negative prefixes and Prefixes with Specific Meaning on page 54.

Try to make your own list with vocabulary. Remember there is a good glossary on pages 138-150 in case you need help

3) Work to do: (Click HERE to have access to your INTERACTIVE BOOK)
      In UNIT 4: Urban jungle  (in your INTERACTIVE BOOK)
     a- Have a look at the "VOCABULARY PREVIEW"

     b- Do the vocabulary activities in UNIT 4  in your interactive book:

   Thursday, 11th before 15.00

domingo, 7 de junio de 2020


Good morning everyone!

Ready for another REVISION LESSON?  Let's get started!!

We're going to devote our lesson today to  MODAL VERBS, which is the GRAMMAR section
  in UNIT 4

A) Find SOME HELP  on the following links:

     1)  Find HERE  and  HERE a good summary of  the MODAL VERBS and their uses.

    2) You can watch this video (click HERE) if you need some explanation on MODAL VERBS.
    Find the second part of the video HERE, with explanations on MODAL PERFECTS.

B) ACTIVITIES: Click HERE to get a worksheet. Do the activities on the worksheet to have some practise in modal verbs. You can download the worksheet and do the activities on it or you can write the answers in your notebook.
As soon as you finish doing your activities today, send a photo/screenshot of your activities to my email. 

Mark "CONSOLIDATION" Week 3: June, 8th- June 12th

Hello everyone,

We finally got to our last CONSOLIDATION  week!!!

This week we are going to do a GENERAL REVISION through some rephrasing activities. 

Click HERE to get the worksheet with the activities. 

Send your answers to my email. DEADLINE: Friday, 12th before 12,45 

Have a very successful week!!

jueves, 4 de junio de 2020


Good morning my dearest students, 

I hope you're ready for the last lesson this week.  

Let's follow these steps: 

1) First of all, let's check homework. Find HERE the answers to the activities on RELATIVE CLAUSES in the Grammar Lab 3. This way you can check your own mistakes. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further explanations.

2) Before facing your RETAKE EXAM on June, 18th, you will need some practise on WRITING. Let me remind you about the types of writings you need to revise for the exam:
  UNIT 1- An informal e-mail  (pages 14 and 166 of your book)
  UNIT 2- A For and Against Essay (pages 28 and 167 of your book)
  UNIT 3- A Report of an Event (pages 42 and 168 of your book)
  UNIT 4- An Opinion Essay (pages 56 and 169 of your book)

You can also find some help in this LINK.

Let's have some practice. Choose  A or  B. (Before you start writing, you should revise/remember  how to write those two types of essay)

A)  Write a FOR and Against Essay of between 120-150 words on the following statement:
         Advantages and Disadvantages of learning from home 

B)  Write an OPINION  Essay of between 120-150 words on the following topic:
      Is studying at home better than going to school?
  (Do it in a word document and send it to my mail. DEADLINE: Sunday, 7th June)

   Click HERE to find a reading comprehension activity, if you want some practise. 
    You can check your answers HERE when you finish doing the activity.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2020


Good morning everyone! 

I hope you're ready for a new REVISION LESSON. 

Let's follow these steps:

1) First of all, click HERE to find the answers to your verb tenses TEST in liveworksheet, in case you've got any problems/wrong answers....etc

2) Click HERE to find the answers to the GRAMMAR LAB activities on pages 126-127 of your book (or the Student's book online). This way, you can check your mistakes. 

3) We're going to revise  RELATIVE CLAUSES  (Grammar UNIT 3): 
        Click HERE for a video explanation.
        Click HERE to find some more grammar help and activities (if you need so) 

4) Do the activities on the GRAMMAR LAB 3 on page 129 of your book (or on the Student's book online) 
 (I'll check your activities if you do them online./ Send them to me if you decide to do them in your notebook)

5) Take some time, until Friday,  to revise the vocabulary in UNIT 3:
     - Education (page 34 book / vocabulary from the text on page 36)
     - Phrasal verbs on page 36
     - Adjective suffixes on page 40
OPTIONAL: You can do the activities in your INTERACTIVE book to revise this vocabulary.

Remember that it is your own responsibility to revise for the exam: Don't try to cram everything the day before. Try to do some revision every day

That's all for now!  I'll get back to you on Friday, 5th.