jueves, 4 de junio de 2020


Good morning my dearest students, 

I hope you're ready for the last lesson this week.  

Let's follow these steps: 

1) First of all, let's check homework. Find HERE the answers to the activities on RELATIVE CLAUSES in the Grammar Lab 3. This way you can check your own mistakes. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further explanations.

2) Before facing your RETAKE EXAM on June, 18th, you will need some practise on WRITING. Let me remind you about the types of writings you need to revise for the exam:
  UNIT 1- An informal e-mail  (pages 14 and 166 of your book)
  UNIT 2- A For and Against Essay (pages 28 and 167 of your book)
  UNIT 3- A Report of an Event (pages 42 and 168 of your book)
  UNIT 4- An Opinion Essay (pages 56 and 169 of your book)

You can also find some help in this LINK.

Let's have some practice. Choose  A or  B. (Before you start writing, you should revise/remember  how to write those two types of essay)

A)  Write a FOR and Against Essay of between 120-150 words on the following statement:
         Advantages and Disadvantages of learning from home 

B)  Write an OPINION  Essay of between 120-150 words on the following topic:
      Is studying at home better than going to school?
  (Do it in a word document and send it to my mail. DEADLINE: Sunday, 7th June)

   Click HERE to find a reading comprehension activity, if you want some practise. 
    You can check your answers HERE when you finish doing the activity.

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