lunes, 8 de junio de 2020


Good morning everybody,

Welcome to a new lesson today.  Follow these steps:

1) First of all, check your homework on MODAL VERBS. Find the worksheet on modal verbs that you did yesterday. Watch the video below and check your work. Give yourself points.

I hope the video helped you revise MODAL VERBS.

Send a photo/screeshot of your activities (checked and marked)  and results to my email.

2) Revise vocabulary in UNIT 4:
    A) Vocabulary about CITIES ( blue words/expressions on page 48 book)
    B) Words from the text and phrasal verbs on page 50.
    C) Negative prefixes and Prefixes with Specific Meaning on page 54.

Try to make your own list with vocabulary. Remember there is a good glossary on pages 138-150 in case you need help

3) Work to do: (Click HERE to have access to your INTERACTIVE BOOK)
      In UNIT 4: Urban jungle  (in your INTERACTIVE BOOK)
     a- Have a look at the "VOCABULARY PREVIEW"

     b- Do the vocabulary activities in UNIT 4  in your interactive book:

   Thursday, 11th before 15.00

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