domingo, 31 de mayo de 2020

2- Mark "CONSOLIDATION": Week 1st June- 5th June

Good morning everyone!

I hope you had some time to rest during the long weekend and are ready to keep on going:

These are your activities for this week:

 Do all the GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY activities
    Remember that you can (if you need so..)
           - Watch the VOCABULARY preview
           -Grammar tutor  1, 2: watch the videos (click on the top, right hand corner) if you need an explanation on VERB tenses.
           - Grammar appendix 1,2: if you need help with FUTURE PERFECT/ FUTURE CONTINUOUS in Spanish.

2) A For and Against Essay.
   - Revise how to write a  For and Against Essay (page 28/ 167 of your book/ or on this LINK
   - Write a FOR and Against Essay of between 120-150 words on the following statement:
         Advantages and Disadvantages of learning from home 
                                                                                       (Do it in a word document and send it to my mail)

DEADLINE TO MEET for both activities: Friday, 5th (before 12,45 pm)

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