lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020


Good morning my beloved students!

Today we are going to focus our lesson on COMMUNICATING SKILLS. We are going to SPECULATE about a picture.

1- Open your book at page 69 and do activities 1- 2. Do them orally. Read the questions aloud and answer orally (I hope your family won't think you're going mad if they hear you talking alone!)

2- Now click HERE to get the audio for activity 3. This audio is going to be a DICTATION for you. So be ready to listen and write down what the student says about the picture in activity 3. Write it down in your notebook. Pause the audio and listen to it as many times as you need in order to write the text.
    - Now, underline the expressions in colour from exercise 2 that the student uses in the text you have written.

3- Now it is time for you to SPECULATE ABOUT A PICTURE.

      - Choose either picture A or B in activity 4.

       - Use some of the vocabulary that is offered to you in exercise 4 (above the pictures)  and add some more. Also include the expressions in colour in activity 2. Write a short paragraph (similar in length to the one in the dictation) speculating about the picture you have chosen.

      - Record your voice reading your paragraph in your mobile phone and send the audio to my email.

That's all folks!

Do some revision if you can. On Friday we will do a MOCK EXAM on the contents of UNIT 5. It will include:  grammar/vocabulary and reading comprehension

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