domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020


Good morning everyone,

Today our lesson is focused on WRITING SKILLS. We are going to learn/remember how to write a NARRATIVE.

Follow these steps. Work seriously and conscientiously!:

1- Let's start by reading a model: Open your book at page 70. Do activities 1 and 2. Do them in your notebook.

2- When we write a narrative, Time Expressions -to describe when something happened - (during, while, before, after, when, as soon as) and Connectors of Sequence - to make the order of events clearer-  (in the beginning, (at) first, then, later, after a while, eventually(=in the end), at last, in the end, finally) are vital.

      Now, do activity 3 on page 70 and activity 4 on page 71 (you can do them in your book in pencil).

3- Find the answers to these activities by clicking HERE. Check your activities.

4- Read this PRESENTATION on HOW TO WRITE A NARRATIVE very attentively. You can take notes in your notebook.

5) TASK. Imagine your school is running a competition for the best short story starting with the words...:
A- "One pound and thirty-two pence. Three times I counted it"
B- "When........ moved away, I felt that my world had come to an end"
C- "How long have yout kept a secret?"
D- "We all came to a new country carrying no more than thoughts and memories of the past."
E- "This was the first time I had been given a gift."

or ending with the words:
F- "It was only then that I realised they had mistaken me for someone else"
G- "And in the other room, ............. began to giggle"
H- "Let it be said that of all who give gifts, these two were the wisest"

Choose ONE from A - H and  WRITE A NARRATIVE of about 120-150 words.
 Steps to follow:
    a- follow the instructions in the presentation
    b- think of your plot and plan your writing
    c- write your rough draft
    d- type a clean copy (in word) on your computer
    e- send it to my email address (deadline to meet:  Wednesday, 1st April)

That's all folks! I'll get back to you tomorrow!

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