lunes, 28 de octubre de 2019


Hi everybody!
For the speaking part of your exam, you can choose either to give a presentation or record a video on ONE of the following topics:

- Social media sites (benefits and dangers)
- Erasmus Exchange Programme for University Students 
                        (Find some help in these links: a  b   c )
-The most important technological breakthrough
-Your favourite event in history
- Are we Killing the earth?

* You will have to hand out the script/ You might like to prepare a power-point presentation, include pictures....etc.. 

TOPICS FOR THE VIDEO:   (In pairs, or groups of 3)

1- Choose a scene from your graded reader A Kiss Before Dying which you found specially interesting. Work in a small group (3 students) to prepare and act it out. Record it.
2- Re-create a moment in history.
3- A TV advertisement: advertise your school.
4- Make a book trailer: design a movie-style trailer about one of the books you compulsorily have to read this year.
5- Record a video promoting an imaginary solidarity project created by you. Imagine you have to get as many "likes" as possible on social networks in order to get it sponsored by an important company.
These are some links for YouTube Videos which might inspire you:

Find some information HERE about free apps to edit your videos

-Do some research
-Write your own rough draft and script (don’t just copy from the Internet)
- Allow yourself enough time to record and edit your video / to learn and rehearse your presentation.
- Make sure all the group members participate (ideally, each group member should spend equal time speaking)

- Hand in your script (it is compulsory!) and mention the SOURCES where you took your information from.

6 to 8 minutes

-To assess your presentation/video, the following points will be taken into account:
   a) pronunciation, intonation, body language/ acting

   b) the content: creativity, grammar accuracy, extensive vocabulary
  c) quality of the video / resources used for your presentation  

If you decide to record a video, you should send the video and the script to your teacher’s email (or bring it to class in a flash drive) before Friday, 29th November

If you opt for a presentation, choose the most convenient date to you, and write down your name and the topic of your presentation. The presentations will take place during the breaks. 
(on your classroom notice board!!!)

1 comentario:

  1. Good afternoon!

    Could you tell us your email?
    We want to send you the video and the script.

    Thank you very much!
    Have a nice weekend!
