domingo, 26 de enero de 2020

About Sakena Yacoobi


Last week we read in class about a remarkable woman: Sakena Yacoobi. You might like to listen to her story in this video.

sábado, 25 de enero de 2020

UNIT 3: Live and Learn (Vocabulary)


1) Activity 1

2) Find HERE some more vocabulary connected to education

3) Watch this episode of "Amigos Ingleses" again and revise some of the vocabulary and expressions we learned in class:

Now, let's see if you can translate these sentences into English:

1- Siempre he sido un estudiante brillante
2- Es la mejor estudiante de la clase.
3- Se me dan muy bien los idiomas
4- Nunca me he saltado una clase.
5- Ser el pelota
6- Se copió en el examen
7- He sacado un sobresaliente en mi examen de inglés.
8- Intenté sobornar al profesor con chocolate.
9- Mi hermana ha sido expulsada del colegio.
10- Tuve que repetir mi examen de matemáticas
11- ¿Me puedes prestar  tus apuntes de literatura?
12- El plazo acaba mañana.
13- Entregué el trabajo tarde.
14- Soy un universitario.
15- He acabado la carrera de derecho.
16- Quiero dedicarme al diseño de moda.
17- Estoy estudiando un máster en marketing digital.
18- Estoy haciendo un doctorado en historia.

19- Mi hermana abandonó sus estudios (no acabó sus estudios)

Click HERE to find the answers.

Here is the video we watched in class about the System of Education in the UK.

Find HERE the comprehension activity we did in class. Revise the vocabulary and information.

martes, 21 de enero de 2020


Good evening!

1- Find HERE the notes on Relative Clauses that we went through in class.
 Click  HERE to get the answers to the activities on the notes.

These are some links to useful activities on RELATIVES:
1- activity 1
2- activity 2
3- activity 3
4- activity 4
5- activity 5
6- activity 6
7- activity 7

jueves, 16 de enero de 2020


Hi everyone!
Find here the information you need to get ready for the oral part of your exam this second term:

The final product will be a (5 minutes approx.) podcast in which a relevant person in history talks about his/her life, or about some important aspects of it and his/her achievements. It should be a monologue emphasizing the human aspect of this person and trying to avoid a mere list of events/facts just copied from the Internet.

1- Listen to the model example of podcast about “Santa Teresa”. This way you will have a clearer idea of what you are expected to do.

2- Choose a person you find interesting: a writer, a politician, an activist (Nobel Peace Prize, for example), ...etc. He/She should preferably come from an English speaking country in order to make your monologue in English more believable.
You might like to choose some relevant people like:
British historical figures: Guy Fawkes, Queen Victoria, Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II.
Worldwide Icons:  Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Florence Nightingale, Anna Frank.
Here are some writers you might find interesting:  Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Mary Shelley, Emily Dickinson, J.K .Rowling, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, George Orwell, Oscar Wilde,  Aldous Huxley.

3- Do some serious research about the person you choose. Try to get and contrast information from different sources. Focus on the person’s human side: his/her personality, his/her family, important events...

4- Write your own script. Type your final version and send it to your teacher BEFORE 17TH FEBRUARY. Mention the sources you have taken the information from.

5- Select some background music which you can add to your recording. Make sure the music volume doesn’t interfere with your voice.

6- Read your text aloud. Pay careful attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Check the pronunciation of difficult words on the internet. 

7- Rehearse reading your text as many times as you need to make it sound fluent and natural: You might find these tips useful:
-underline the key words and phrases
-decide where to breath / plan where you will pause
- enunciate clearly
- change the pitch and tone of your voice as appropriate
-focus on dramatic pauses and emphasis
-practise your reading in front of a friend
- record your reading on your mobile phone and listen to it. 

8- Use “Audacity” (audio editor) to record and edit your podcast.

9- Send the podcast and your final script to your teacher.

DEADLINE TO MEET: 3rd of March

The following aspects will be taken into account to assess your work:
-Content (Grammar accuracy / extensive vocabulary / organization of ideas)
-Pronunciation / intonation
-Technical aspects (quality of sound..etc)
-Originality / work

* IMPORTANT: No more than three students should record their podcasts about the same “person”. You will find a paper sheet on your class notice board: please write down your name and the “person” you have decided to create your podcast about.